
Showing posts from September, 2017

Netflix Is Now The Fifth Highest Ranked TV Network For Show Fandom

We are proud to announce the inaugural results of our new TV Show Brand Tracker. The findings reveal how streaming is impacting TV show audiences and which networks are performing best. Based on data from more than 60 TV shows across the US, Canada, Australia and the UK, CBS’s  The Big Bang Theory  is the leading TV show in terms of audience fandom, followed by  NCIS  (also CBS), with the BBC’s  Sherlock  in third place.  Game of Thrones  (HBO) and  The Walking Dead  (AMC) occupy the fourth and fifth spots respectively, despite often topping Twitter and Facebook rankings. This is because these social platforms skew towards older audiences, as do the two shows, thus making the shows look even bigger than they already are. At network level CBS has the clear lead, with 31% average fan penetration across its TV shows, driven in a large part by the top two ranked shows. However, CBS is third in the UK, behind ITV (32%) and the BBC (27%). With a roster of strongly rated originals,

7 LinkedIn hacks that will help you get noticed by recruiters

Many professionals update their LinkedIn profiles only when they are actively searching for a job. That's a mistake, according to best-selling management author and CNBC contributor  Suzy Welch . Recruiters are constantly mining LinkedIn's 467 million profiles to identify top candidates. Having a sub-par profile, which is essentially your online resume, could mean you're missing out on job opportunities. "If you maximize your LinkedIn profile," Welch says, "you may not be looking for your next job. It could come find you." Getty Images Make sure you fill out the summary section of your LinkedIn profile. It's the most important thing recruiters look at. Here are the best ways to optimize your profile to catch a recruiter's attention: 1. Fill out the summary section. "You've probably been told a hundred times to leave the objective off of your res